How to Apply for Driving License – Is too Easy Now

How to Hpply for Driving License

Applying for a Driving License in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents

Understanding the Process

Obtaining a driving license in Pakistan is a vital step towards legal and safe driving. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the process.How to Apply for driving License How to Apply for Driving License - Is too Easy Now

Eligibility Criteria

  1. You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Possess a valid CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card).
  3. For foreigners, a valid passport and visa are required. How to Apply for Driving License - Is too Easy Now

Documentation Required

Gather the following documents for your application:

  • Copy of CNIC
  • 3 Passport size photographs
  • Medical certificate (issued by authorized medical practitioner)
  • Medical Fitness Certificate (only for the candidates of the age of 50 years or above)
  • Application form (A)
  • Original learner permit (at least 42 days within validity period)
  • Paste relevant ticket on the document
  • Rs. 180 on STR form have to be deposited in the branch after passing the test How to Apply for Driving License - Is too Easy Now

Step-by-Step Application Process

  • Visit the Licensing Authority: Locate your nearest licensing authority office.
  • Application Form: Obtain the application form from the office or download it online.
  • Complete the Form: Fill out the form accurately with all required details.
  • Document Submission: Submit the completed form along with the necessary documents.
  • Fee Payment: Pay the prescribed fee at the designated counter.
  • Written Test: Take the written test, covering traffic rules and regulations.
  • Practical Test: Pass the practical driving test conducted by an official examiner.
  • License Issuance: Upon successful completion, collect your driving license. How to Apply for Driving License - Is too Easy Now

Tips for Success -How to Apply for Driving License

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Study the traffic rules and signs beforehand.
  • Practice Regularly: Gain confidence by practicing driving in various conditions.
  • Stay Calm: Remain composed during the tests to perform your best. How to Apply for Driving License - Is too Easy Now


What is the minimum age requirement for applying for a driving license in Pakistan?

 A: The minimum age requirement is 18 years old.

 Q: What documents are required for the application process?

A: You will need your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card), passport-sized photographs, and proof of address, among others.

 Q: Do foreigners have different requirements for obtaining a driving license in Pakistan?

A: Foreigners need to provide a valid passport and visa in addition to other required documents.

 Q: Is there a written test involved in the application process?

A: Yes, applicants are required to take a written test covering traffic rules and regulations.

 Q: How can I prepare for the practical driving test?

A: Practice regularly and ensure you are familiar with driving in various conditions to prepare for the practical test.

 I Hope Your Able for How to Apply for Driving License .is too easy process of How to Apply for Driving License


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